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I have been a writer for as long as I can remember. I composed my first work of any remarkable length at the age of ten, when I wrote Harry Potter and the Final Battle, a sixty-page daydream of Harry Potter's seventh year at Hogwarts, which, mercifully, never found an audience beyond a few family friends who had never heard of 'fanfiction' before. However embarassing it may seem now, I was quite proud of it and never stopped writing. For every summer after that, I wrote an extensive fanfiction of one show or book or another - though Harry Potter was always a favorite. However, I've always had ideas and dreams for original fiction, to be one day written up, sent to an editor, and published (and widely adored, &etc.) For the time being, I still use fanfiction as a creative exercise and hobby, but plan to move into the domain of original fiction soon.

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